Laughing at war
27 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is probably one of the most bizarre comedies of the time, but also one of the best in its genre. A kind of anti war movie; a satiric look at the cold war in the 50s and 60s between east and west. This movie is filled with tremendous actor performances, Peter Sellers stars in three of them - and does it best as the mysterious Dr. Strangelove. Sterling Hayden is excellent as the general who steps over the edge of insanity, and George C Scott is very funny in his role, even though he's not particularly known as a comedic actor. The great thing about this movie is the actors and their dialogues, and the plot is a stroke of genius from director Stanley Kubrick. And just look at the names of some characters - Bat Guano, TJ King Kong and Jack D Ripper, that alone gave me a big laugh. This is surely a great movie, although one thing was a disappointment, the special effects was very poor, even for its time - but overall, I enjoyed it.
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