The Dark Knight Didn't Rise AT ALL
24 July 2012
Even though I am a huge fan of the Dark Knight and all the other Batman movies, I did not like this movie. Personally, I think this might be the first time that Christopher Nolan failed badly during his career.

Watching this movie felt like watching a never-ending trailer. Every scene is so pumped up by the bombastic music that Nolan is known for, it was disturbing.

There is a moment during the film when the music stops (for the first time). This is when you realize that the lack of depth in the story is being compensated for by this annoying music.

This story has more holes than a rabbit that got shot by a double-barrel. I'm talking short distance here.

It is not justified at all that this movie is currently placed #10 in the IMDb Top 250. I know that it will fall in the rankings, but it will probably remain in the Top 50. This thought haunts me in real life.

TO ALL THOSE FOLKS WHO RATED THIS MOVIE A 10: You are the type of person who stops for a red light, even though there is no traffic around for as far as the eye can see. You are the type of person who likes to go to the fare a lot. You watch TV a lot. You love junk food. You follow more people than that people follow you, on Twitter and in real life. You either have a 9-5 job or will get a 9-5 job in the near future. You will get an average wife at best and 2-3 kids, two cars and a garage with lots of crap in it. You scare me.

I heard people say that this movie had so many new stunts and scenes to offer. I'd like to believe the opposite is true. Everything has been done before. If not in other Batman movies, then in other high-budget over-the-top kind of movies.

Also, I came to see Batman, not to watch Catwoman steal some jewels, how badass. The "No, I'm not going to fight, I am a broken man." part lasted way to long. Mr. Bale, you're not fooling anybody, you are going to fight and we all know it, we've seen the trailer It sucks that this part of the story lasts so infinitely long.

Beware Batman fans. Beware for the ultimate anti-qlimax.
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