CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Suckers (2004)
Season 4, Episode 13
Good fun
22 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
2 stories here. The boilerplate witticism from Grissom (to kick into the titles) is quite good for this time round. Sara's hairstyle needs to go away (and indeed does so before the next episode) but that doesn't stop Grissom asking for duck/duct tape

I'm not particularly bothered about the Mikado. They cleverly put in incongruous references to Japanese history that a really sharp and viewer would recognize as incorrect. This story keeps springing surprises - possibly of a con-artist nature :)

The other story is a bit of an attempted spooky vampire story, again showing the weird side of Vegas. Might work for teenagers. The eventual villain is indeed a spooky person (did I recognize one of the serial murderers from season 4 episode one in this programme?) Another CSI cliché: lots of gorgeous people dancing around in PVC to bad music in a weird fetish club.

What I call the "science-is-cool music" scene - another CSI regular - consists of Nick using some highly improbable software to reconstruct somebody's face from a CCTV still.

Not bad at all, but not one of the best episodes.
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