Review of Parents

Parents (2012– )
Sally is a very welcome return to TV, but show could use some tweaking
15 July 2012
The show has been good, seen 2 eps so far, and it shows hints of a promising future. If I was to give advice to the creators, I would say that the consistency of recognisable songs is maybe a little dense, it would be better to go instrumental and focus on the flow of the show more like inbetweeners for example. And the show could be great, it just generally needs to aim for more of a positive 'Friday night dinner' than a 'miranda' meets 'outnumbered'. Sally is definitely capable of more subtle genius, so the use of so much energy and corny atmos feels desperate, but the show is capable of such growth, and I'm happy to see new UK shows on the rise, like 'trollied' etc.
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