Enjoyed it and was pleasantly surprised
11 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this movie and think it's got an unfair rep. They did cram a lot in there, but I think that was a good thing as it seems to me that it represented a lot of different situations. The movie didn't have a lot of depth, but with such a big ensemble cast what do you expect? Plus what was there was done well IMO. I really liked Anna Kendrick's character Rosie, for me she really shined in this movie and when she lost the baby I cried and then when she kicked Marco to the curb after I understood but was rooting for them to get back together again. I also really enjoyed the contrast between Elizabeth Banks and Brooklyn Dekker's characters. It was overdone in parts, but it did make me laugh. In fact the whole movie was overdone in parts and underutilised in others, but these kind of movies should not be analysed, you just got to sit back, relax and turn your brain off and enjoy.
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