Tied in Blood (2011)
Not as bad as other reviews state
11 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The movie was filmed on a budget, which accounts for the lack of gloss and elaborate settings. The actors seem to attempt to do the best they can with a so-so script.

The story involves a medium who goes to a haunted house, to help a husband try to clear the hose of the spirits that are 'living' there.

The story is told from three different perspectives, which we later find out are the three members of a family who were killed in the house.

The ending I found a bit lacklustre and it could have been better done. The three members forgive each other for what happened in their deaths (which I believe we're interwoven) and the husband, who originally called in the medium has to live with the guilt of his now deceased family (the movie ended at that point).

Just to reiterate, it is not a movie you will remember for a long time (like 'the exorcist') but it could have been a lot worse.

Full marks for making the movie on the £150,000 budget. But the script could have been a little tighter.
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