Review of Navy Seals

Navy Seals (1990)
Cuts the mustard as mindless entertainment, but that's about it
10 July 2012
Navy Seals is just another action film, for mine. It's not a bad way to spend a couple of hours or so because the action scenes are entertaining enough and Charlie Sheen's 'loose cannon' shtick is oddly compelling, but it should have been better. It has a cast that looks pretty decent on paper: Sheen, Biehn, Paxton, Rossovich, Haysbert and even Law and Order's Merkerson. However, with the exception of Sheen and Biehn, they are underutilised, especially Paxton. Paxton is a good all-round actor, but here he barely gets to say anything at all! Even Sheen and Biehn play fairly shallow characters. For example, what turned Sheen's character (Hawkins) into the loose cannon that he is? As for Biehn's character (Curran), is he motivated by the loss of his friends in Beirut or by his sense of duty? I'm not sure the movie makes it entirely clear.

Another weakness the movie has is that it lacks a particularly strong villain. Kadi, as Ben Shaheed, tries to paint a vaguely sympathetic picture for Shaheed's cause, but he simply doesn't appear enough. The main villain appears to be the Stinger missiles, if anything.

The plot is a bit thin, but substantial enough to keep the movie going. Basically, Hawkins and Curran lead a bunch of Navy SEAL's in a quest to find some Stingers that are used against civilian aircraft. Curran woos a half-Lebanese reporter so she can help them out. One obvious plot hole is how this reporter can know more than the CIA, but I digress. The plot is good enough to be a vehicle for firefights, some obligatory friction between Hawkins and Curran and for Sheen to act stylish. For an action movie, that's probably enough.

Also, although none of the actors have that much to work with, Sheen and Biehn almost make the film worth watching by themselves. Sheen does his 'loose cannon' act well, reeling off the odd vaguely humorous one liner (though his character is thoroughly unrealistic for a SEAL), while few people are better than Biehn at playing military characters. Indeed, he received praise from the US Navy for his calm, composed performance.

As for the dialogue...well, who cares? Lots of profanity, some bravado, some one-liners - standard action movie stuff most of the time. Biehn does provide the odd noteworthy line: "you just toasted a man you put in the grave", but that's about it.

It doesn't make Navy Seals a bad movie though. As mindless entertainment, it delivers. However, considering its nearly 2 hour movie length and reasonably strong cast, it should have been better.

2.5/5 stars
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