Hard Shoulder (2012)
Superbly Chilling Thriller from Talented & Exciting Director.
9 July 2012
It is my pleasure to recommend this very dark, chilling, psychological thriller with a difference. I was very fortunate to be invited to a private screening of 'Hard Shoulder' by a good friend. The film starts off with a bang and then slowly lulls you into a false sense of reality before taking you by the scruff of the neck and dragging you and it's fine cast into a chilling and very scary scenario. There are fine performances from all the actors on screen with 'Jamie Foreman' etching himself into your memory and for those who have fond memories of 'Jill Greenacre' from 'The Brittas Empire', this is a defining role in her career. A film of substance with a story line which will play on my mind for quite some time I think. I am looking forward and expect to see much more from this very talented director 'Nicholas David Lean'. The film I believe is not yet on general release. The sooner it gets out there and is seen the better.
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