Transporter 2 (2005)
So over the top it makes the first film look like " singin in the rain"
6 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Transporter 2 is probably one of the silliest action movies I've ever seen. This is the kind of movie where your jaw will be hanging open for most of its brisk 80 minutes. Absolutely nothing in this film is even remotely possible. I know, I know the aim for this movie was not to be possible in any way whatsoever. Its goal is to entertain the audience and at that it succeeds. But even action movies have to show just a little restraint in how over the top they go, right?

The stunts involve a speedboat leap off a conveniently placed ramp onto a highway so Frank Martin(Jason Statham)can leap onto a bus and catch one of the terrorists whom he has been chasing. The terrorist is Russian of course and is named Dimitri. Why does almost every action movie have a Russsian bad guy?

Another stupid stunt comes at the end of a car chase between Frank, The terrorist leaders wife: Lola(Kate Nauta, who gives an effective performance) and the Miami police force. The chase was fun until the very end, when Frank drives all the way up a parking garage and(wait for it) crashes through the wall and flys through the air for about a hundred feet before landing on the building across the street (which is luckily under construction, so there is nobody inside) and then skidding for the length of the building until they come to a stop directly on the edge of the building.

You may ask how they would manage to drive the car off the building. Well guess what? Somehow, in methods the movie doesen't make quite clear, Frank manages to get each side of the car onto each side of a building and drive over an alley. A drunk guy looks up and sees the car pass over him. He then looks at his beer and grimaces, thinking he is hallucinating. I thought I was hallucinating too. That had to be one of the strangest stunts I've ever seen. I guarantee you the makers of this film were probably a little more than a bit tipsy when they dreamed this stunt up. Look, I could go on and on explaining the implausibilities. Some of it is even too stupid for Bond, and thats saying something(The CGI is also pretty bad in this movie, which dosen't help it's cause.)

Although on the plus side the acting isn't too bad and the film has a fast, exhilarating pace. Compared to the original though, this is yet another sequel that tried to do too much and just got too stupid. The original had its share of action but it didn't get too out of control.

I don't mind a good dumb action movie with impossible stunts. But when I see something as out of control as Transporter 2, I hang my mouth open in disbelief. Seriously what were these filmmakers thinking??? Do they really think that audiences are that stupid? Obviously they do.

Did I have fun watching Transporter 2? Yes. Could I get my head around all the implausibilities? No.

5 out of 10 because I had a fun 80 minutes
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