"It's Barbaric"
5 July 2012
Ah, I'm near the end of my self-imposed Gamerathon. While the showa series started off well enough, Gamera became worse and strange as it dragged on. In the last one Gamera faced the crap-monster Jiger; now he faces…Zigra!! All I can say is watch the Mystery Science Theater 3000 episode featuring this crapfest. It is HILARIOUS!! However, watching this movie without the commentary is practically suicide. Once more, a hot Japanese chick in a strange leotard wishes to take over the Earth because we of course treat it like a crappy car. The interior and exterior of the alien ship looks like a rejected set from "Peewee's Big Adventure". The movie is technically pretty short, but because of its budget and poor writing the first half really drags on. Hell, the whole movie drags on. Whole squadrons are wiped out, magnitude 18 earthquakes rock Peru, and all off-screen, of course. At the same time, there is a humongous debate on who gets to buy fish. Practically an hour in, where's that Zigra guy? At the same time, there's a chase sequence that's choreographed like one from Scooby-Doo. You know, one person runs in one door, somehow exits thru another, snazzy music plays? At long last Zigra appears, and I actually like the design of the fish-creature. But wait, he can talk? WTF…Wait, Gamera uses the spikes along Zigra's back like a xylophone, WTF?!! This is one sh*tfest I can't comprehend.
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