Bandera rota (1979)
Retes and his Complaint Vision
4 July 2012
Retes show us a doublé moral in his fourth commercial film, a powerful industrial man try to hide with the complicity of the "law" a crime of his adultery woman at any cost,in order to preserve the good name of his family ,in good agreement with public politics figures(like almost every power family in our Mexican society)they manage to disguise the case as an unjust crime, and every body happy and satisfied,if someone have a doubt that similar cases could happen in our Mexican society,please take a look to the Paulette case. In this film the victims are a group of young filmmakers who accidentally film the moment of the crime and instead of blackmail the industrial killer asking for money they require him to improve the economical condition of his workers. Retes loyal to his effective denounce style and uses it to reflect his politic vision give us a worthy film mixing character actors like Manolo Fabregas and Aaron Hernan and good Young ones like Jorge Humberto Robles, Elpidia Carrillo and Tina Romero,Retes give us a curious film but not boring and very interesting
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