The Outer Limits: Second Chance (1964)
Season 1, Episode 23
This one got me hooked.
29 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
When I was a kid, this was the very first episode of "The Outer Limits" that I saw. I enjoyed it so much, I am sure this is why I couldn't wait to see more. Now it's not among the very, very best of the series but it is very good and offers a very unusual opportunity to see Simon Oakland in a way you'd never expect. Oakland made a bazillion TV appearances in the 1950s and 60s. He almost invariably played an angry, blustery man. While some might dislike this because he was so type cast, I love seeing him and his grouchy ways. Here, however, he plays an alien--and not one of the nasty, grouchy variety!!

The show begins at an amusement park. An alien (Oakland) walks pretending to work for a spaceship ride--offering complimentary tickets to select patrons. No one seems to question his weird look and they all think it's just part of the schtick for the ride. However, when the passengers board the craft, they soon learn that it's not a's real. And, they are bound for another world where they will live out their lives.

Had this episode JUST been about an alien abduction, it would have been far less memorable. However, WHY he does this and HOW the people react make this well worth your time--as it explores some of the darker or sadder aspects of human nature. Well acted by Oakland and Don Gordon (an underrated actor who later starred in the very best episode of the series)--this one is a winner.
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