The U.S. Version pales in comparison
15 June 2012
I've recently watched UB Abroad; episodes from Canada, Australia, and the UK. All in all, I find the Executives to be less pious in general and although frustrated by some tasks that are new to them; they tend to take in the hard working individual contributors with less overt being higher level than them. They take more note of what's being done in various processes and appreciate the hard work their people do in a positive manner. Yes, it seems they continue to somehow find the people that have had high levels of life altering situations outside of work.. however, the briefings at the end seem more heartfelt and there isn't the high level compensation gifts from the U.S. version, many times, it's an improvement in a process the person works in. I've given up on the U.S. version finding it far too set up "reality". Perhaps the longer these programs go on, people will have a good idea if some middle aged person comes in with cameras looking to start a new career, it's probably the boss doing the UB program.
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