Review of Hidden

The 4400: Hidden (2005)
Season 2, Episode 9
Hidden (#2.9)
17 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I remember that after an episode in the beginning of this season I said that I don't get why we get introduced to the relationship problems of Tom and Kyle and that it seemed a bit out of place. Well now we see why, because Kyle was hiding from his dad because he didn't trust him. In this show everything seems to fit together.

I find it interesting that they found a suspect that looks similar to Kyle. Also weird that Tom just accepted it without wondering about anything, would he just let an innocent go to jail for it?

The show had other good moments. I liked the ending when Maia responds "Not yet." to Diana telling her that nobody got hurt, it is funny because believe it or not I said out loud right before Maia. It may have been predictable but it is so promising!

And I loved to see the Farrel brothers running around the car sprinkling each other with the limo and security waiting by the side. Was a pretty sweet moment and the ending to their quarrels from that episode.
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