So cringe inducingly awful, it's actually mesmerising.
17 June 2012
My God. What a terrible film. The accents are crap. Really crap, they seem to be all Americans playing Irish and not even doing it well. Hell, Jon Voight's accent wasn't bad in The General, what the hell happened here? The IRA members in Sons of frickin Anarchy were more convincing.

The dialogue is absolutely abysmal and unrealistic, with Chapa prone to monologues at inappropriate times, apparently to show how awesome he is. The plot is minimalist, meandering and uninteresting. The acting is woeful.

I went into this with an open mind and basically watched it with my mouth slightly ajar at the groan inducing levels of ineptitude, all the way through it.

A dreadful, self indulgent, dire little film, it's not even so bad it's good, it's just a complete failure on every level.

Give us Blood In, Blood Out II Chapa and I'm there with bells on, but this just sucks.

2/10- bonus point for Rachel Hunter's British intelligence agent with a broad NZ twang making me chuckle, but a film to be avoided, as it's a waste of time, and one of the worst films on the North I've ever seen. And I've seen Patriot Games. AND Blown Away. And IRA King of Nothing makes both of these films look like Cal and Some Mother's Son respectively.
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