Horizon: The Race for the Double Helix (1987)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Really good story about the discovery of what rules our lives
16 June 2012
First of all, let me make it clear. I know NOTHING about this level of science. My father was great at it, but it didn't fall to me to follow in his footsteps.

However, I've always liked good films and this one caught my attention when it was released. It depicts intensity of the scientists tearing their hair out to find how it all worked.

The scene when Jeff Goldblum finally sees where one peptide (if that's the right word) fits into the sequence was very memorable. A real 'voila' moment.

Many years later, a college friend 'ran DNA sequencing' to make money out of his home. And I thought 'oh sure, that's what a man with a PHd in microbiology does'. Again, not at all like my father who went to MIT and worked on scud missile designs for the military. But hey - I speak 3 other languages, so my talent lay in other areas.

If you are oriented towards science and good acting, check this movie out! Once, when I was getting an MRI, I asked the technician who was the Watson and Crick of the MRIs. He had no idea what I was talking about!
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