An example of trying to milk something to death
14 June 2012
When Napoleon Dynamite came out, it was a sleeper hit with making big bucks. What does the studio do? The studio thinks they can milk the movie into a cartoon series and it all goes down the big giant hole.

The positive about the series is most of the cast from the movie are in here with the exception of Don which I wish he should have sign on.

Nonetheless, the cartoon just doesn't take off at all like the movie and most of the humor from the cartoon is so borrowed from the movie that its just playing the same rabbit in the hat trick over and over again.

The studio should have just completely left this cartoon on the shelf and not waste any money with it. Too bad the show got canceled and the cast and producers are left pondering what to do next. Making Napoleon Dynamite into a franchise, well some stuff are just best left alone.
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