Whose Line Is It Anyway? (1998–2007)
Just not funny. Too obvious and low-brow.
14 June 2012
The concept for the show sounded good, but the problem was none of these actors were funny with improv. The entire time it show Drew Carey sitting there with a grin on his face like this was so funny. But it just wasn't. The attempt at comedy was forced so hard, the jokes too obivous and low-brow. If you were the kind of person that found Bob Hope the ultimate stand-up comic, this show might have been for you. For those with an imagination and intelligence shows like SCTV really put this show to shame. It was geared towards the beer drinking middle-class audience who has not really experienced creative comedy. Who needs a volume in the studio turned up audience or a laugh-track to know something is intended to be funny. When Drew Carey recently was interviewed about this show, he talked about he did it as a show of his gall that he had a hit TV series and wanted to do this with the same cast just to show them off. That's not the making of an artist vision and I wasn't surprised by his motives because the end result was a very poor product. I never made it through an entire episode of the show, not matter how many times I tried because I love comedy. This show was a bad idea.
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