The Avengers (2012)
An unsurprising, mind-numbing interminable bore
13 June 2012
What a disappointment, although really not surprised at how bad it was. A totally boring, endless and mostly witless movie aimed at brain-deadened people who think that special effects, explosions and fantasy but definitely not fantastic characters make for a great movie. The cinematography was gray and cloudy, the editing incomprehensible, and the acting unsurprising and depressingly familiar. Simple, human emotions, which used to be integral to a movie are now so rare. Noise and all-too-familiar mayhem have been substituted. The attention span of the audience, when not being bombarded by yet another special effect, shifts quickly to their cell phone when things slow down even a bit. To think that more-of-the-same will be the order of the day is depressing. Count me out.
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