Review of Prometheus

Prometheus (I) (2012)
10 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers

Prometheus is one of the worst films that I have ever seen in the theater.

I had no idea what the story was and, quite frankly, did not care after a while. I wanted all the characters to die, all 73 of them. Seriously, what is the point of all these characters? And the fact that they are so uninteresting?

Nothing happens in the first hour. And when things do start happening, you have no idea how they relate to each other.

The music seems to be from a different, happier movie. (Jerry Goldsmith is turning over in his grave.)

As my buddy pointed out, the aliens give signs to the people of Earth telling us where the base is from which they plan to destroy Earth. Huh? Maybe I am missing something here, or these are just really stupid aliens.

Two characters announce they are going to have sex in 10 minutes, and we never see the scene or have it referred to again in the whole film. Don't get me excited to see a scantily clad Charlize Theron and then let me down. That's just not right.

What is up with Guy Pearce channeling Keir Dullea from the film 2010? What is the point of having a young actor play an old man unless that old man is transformed into the young actor at some point in the film? Why not just get an old actor? Let's save some money in our makeup budget.

And the whole search for God premise and its really bad development and symbolism was cringe worthy. I felt sorry for the filmmakers watching the entire thing.

On the positive side, there are two legitimately cool scenes in the film. And Charlize's complexion is flawless, the movie looked great, and my popcorn was fresh. Way fresher than this movie.
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