Any movie starring Cesar Romero, Walter Pidgeon and Walter Brennan should be worth watching
10 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie does not know what it is. It starts out as a crime drama, then becomes a detective story, a romance, a comedy and a film noir. Cesar Romero, Walter Pidgeon and Walter Brennan are good actors, but the female lead (played by Tala Birell) varies between average and terrible.

The basic plot is that Cesar Romero is a small time crook who pulls of a big job (stealing bonds). Birell is brought in from Europe by the insurance company to try and find out where the bonds are hidden. So far the movie is a good watch and believable.

Then there is a plane crash (but all survive with minor injuries) and now Birell is wanted for murder. In comes the doctor who just happens to be on vacation right where the plane crashed.

She becomes his love interest. From here on the movie goes down hill.

If you have nothing to do one evening (and no one to watch a movie with) it is worth watching, but don't watch it with friends because they will laugh at you.

The movie suffers from trying to cater to too many tastes and ends up satisfying no one.

The ending is obvious, and you know exactly what is going to happen.
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