Review of Chronicle

Chronicle (2012)
SO stupid we actually turned it off
8 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I have always agreed with IMDb ratings until this movie. A 7 for this awful, childish silly stupid movie ? WOW

It started weird with a high school group who seem to get beat on by everyone and one geeky kid who is playing with his movie camera making us watch through that shaky "realistic" footage we are all tired of. This group of awfully silly giggly teenage boys climb down a hole to find a glowing rock wall that gives them telekinesis. They discover they have gained powers, so they juggle candy and Lego's and when they get more powerful they scoot a car in a parking lot so the owner has to goto a different space to find it again, giggling and cooing all the while.

It never occurs to them having powers like this is a life changing event, that the rock they discovered is an immense power of some kind. They just continue to giggle and play hokey stupid five year old pranks until one of them pushes a rednecks truck off the road with his mind. After almost killing the poor redneck it FINALLY OCCURS to them they may need some RULEs to help self control their super powers. Really ? All those stellar reviews must have been writ by dopey teenagers who would love to clean their rooms by just looking at them.

We shut this mess off. Way too childish and silly for a sci fi lover. It was such an incredibly stupid and simple minded screen play, it actually became painful to watch. I have always agreed with movies ratings on IMDb and this was a 7.2 when I reviewed it. OMGosh how could this joke be above a 2 ? It must have been written by 10 year olds.

Stupid stupid silly giggly dumb waste of time.
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