Review of Company K

Company K (2004)
How NOT to make a war movie!
7 June 2012
Sorry, gang, but this film, "Company K" was awful! Lets start with a forced and contrived plot line, complete with banal and clichéd dialog, delivered in wavy line readings, by wooden actors, playing the usual array of depressing stereotypical Infantry soldiers! This movie, shot in Pennsylvania,looks about as much like a World War One Battlefield as the Mall of America!There have been too many ultra-realistic War Movies made in the last twenty years to allow this dud, with it's back yard production effects, to even appear to be authentic! The actors look unsure of their roles, as Marines, especially when maneuvering on a battle field! The special effects is bush league, at best, with wimpy looking gore,and tomato ketchup blood! "No Man's Land" looks like the poorly maintained yard of that cranky old "difficult" guy, in some suburban neighborhood! Grass didn't grow near the trench system!I love the fake 1903 Springfield Rifles! Somewhere, an American Legion Chapter is missing its Honor Guard Rifles! If the German Army on World War One had fought like the Germans in this movie, the war would have been over in a month!Forget this Turkey, folks! It gives "Fake" a bad name!
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