Kawa (2010)
Almost....almost as if seen from a......
4 June 2012
...Woman's Point of View...and involving much of a woman's sensitivity.

And yet the movie we're given is from a story written by a man, Witi Ihimaera. A man well known for an acclaimed, later literary work (and film), "The Whale Rider" (world premiere at the 2002, Toronto International Film Festival). Still, this is an author who seems to possess much of the "sensitivity" referred to above. In truth, female touches abound, which should be no surprise, inasmuch as this film work was steered by Director Katie Wolfe, aided by the screenplay writing of Kate McDermott. So, in essence, this is almost as much the story of our Gay lead, Kawa's ....Wife....his Mother....his Daughter, as it is of the man, himself.

BUT, woman's point of view or not, the Pain....the Angst....revealed to us in Calvin Tuteao's characterization of Kawa is REAL. For at its heart this is a story of a man from whom much is, and has been, expected by his Maori societal group....and family. We see a Gay man who has, in fact, led a heterosexual married life, with children. Nevertheless, what we are shown, beneath the cover of all that, is a man experiencing a severe case of "Closetophobia" (fear of Coming Out).....and a near disabling Fear of Disapproval.

Yes, there is a male lover (on the side)....and visits to a bathhouse. BUT for those anticipating finding more than mere hints of Gay romance and Gay love scenes in this work, I must reluctantly say such hopes will be dashed. The emphasis seems to be, instead, upon heterosexual closeness....family closeness. And fear of loss of the latter.

Oh, there is a "final stand" taken against family...and society, and it is effectively conveyed to we viewers. But I will reveal nothing more about this film's closing storyline. I can say, however, that production values were unexpectedly high from this film goer's point of view. And gorgeous New Zealand scenery doesn't hurt at all (rating credit was given for all this).

I have yet to decide whether to keep this video in my Gay Film Library.

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