Mad Men: Commissions and Fees (2012)
Season 5, Episode 12
A party no one wants to attend
4 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
We knew for works that something was going to happen. With dangerous plot lines laid out, Mad Men pushed on like an out-of-control locomotive on the verge of derailing any minute. From the partner's deception of Don, to the dirty dealings to sign Jaguar, to Don's personal aggravations, to Lane's financial trouble and subsequent forgery of Don's signature on a check, the show was moving to a major change. And change it did.

There really is no point in recapping this episode in chronological order. Let's get right to the business: Lane Pryce has killed himself. There is no nice way of putting this. A character we have come to like and respect on the show for his quality work, dedication to the firm, and solid morals and high sense of honor, Lane had become a staple in Mad Men as a senior partner in SCDP, but also as the person who punched out Pete Campbell, spent late nights drinking and making decisions with Don, and pulling the strings that needed to be pulled for SCDP to exist.

And, above all, this English gentlemen met his end in one of the most heartbreaking ways it could. Hanging himself in his office and leaving a note… of resignation.

When the episode opens and Cooper interrogates Don about giving Lane a Christmas bonus, Don looks at the check he supposedly signed and tells Cooper that it will be taken care of. Moments later, Don sits down with Lane and hands him a drink and the check. "What is this?" Lane tries to beat around it and convince Don that he really did sign it. Don asks Lane to confess before he has a professional take care of it, and to guarantee that it is the only check. Lane admits he wrote the check and Don tells Lane that he is going to need his resignation.

Just like that, we understand that Lane is out. Don has said what he has said. Though Lane argues, and convincingly, about what he has done for the company, the fact is Don can no longer trust Lane. Forging his signature on a check breaks any type of trust the two had, as co- workers and as friends. Lane pounds down a drink, takes another for the road, and leaves Don's office for the last time. He walks down the hallway to find Joan in her office and stops in for some quick talk. They are very cordial at first, but when Lane jokes about Joan running down the beach in a tight bikini, Joan tells Lane to take his party elsewhere.

Yes, Lane's party. His all too fun and exclusive party-for-one that no one got an invite to, but a party no one would have RSVP'd to regardless.
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