Not as good as the first
4 June 2012
I went crazy when I have found out that a sequel to my guilty pleasure Score exists. After a brief waiting period I had the chance to watch it.

First of all I must say that Score 2: The Big Fight (I have not seen the Big Title anywhere) is nowhere good as the first one. Some of the guys from the first one play unrelated roles in Score 2 but there is no connection at all.

What made Score a great movie is straight ripping of off Hollywood blockbusters and more importantly the shootouts that would make John Woo or Johnny To proud. In Score 2 I found neither.

I mean lack of copying Hollywood is OK but the shootouts just were not up to the standard set by the first one so I got really disappointed. This does not mean that the action is bad but not nearly there.

As for the story it is as ridiculous as it comes but hey this is Score series. I mean who would hide the money there ? Exactly.

The characters were all cool especially the stunning Japanese gal and Hitoshi Ozawa with terrible mullet. The corrupt cops were quite funny as well. How about the police squad with shotguns ? Scary!!!

If you do not expect much from Score 2 you can enjoy it. I still prefer the first one, I might give it another go soon
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