Review of Awful Normal

Awful Normal (2004)
Awful Awkward
3 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was not what I anticipated. I expected an emotional journey leading up to an uplifting conclusion where these two women attempt to take back the innocence that was stolen from them as children. If you're expecting the same - you will be extremely disappointed. The feeling that I experienced throughout the entire film was simply uncomfortable.

Celesta (the victim of the abuse and film maker) made it hard for me to empathize with. She seemed to make light of a situation that she claimed to have influenced her entire life. She and her sister informed their therapist that their own father had taken showers with them and encouraged them to play with his genitals as children. The two women verbalized that strange relationship with their father as if they were ordering a salad - appearing as if that upbringing was normal. There was no real explanation to why that was alright but the solitary molestation they experienced was so traumatic.

What I found the most odd and almost obnoxious was the scenes leading up to the confrontation with Allen (their molester). They were laughing and carrying on then their wait turned into this bizarre montage with quirky elevator music while they had a little party in Karen's van. When Celesta went to confront Allen she made casual conversation while she laughed and acted as if all was fine. Then after they confronted him Celesta left the building singing "We Are the Champions" by Queen. I was almost more disgusted in her as the victim than Allen as the predator.

The only real emotional display the two sisters had was awhile after they left. There was not one person in the entire film I related to or even rooted for. I myself have never experienced sexual abuse but my mother did as well as my best friend and to a much more extreme circumstance compared to these two girls (especially Karen). I think this is why I find Celesta and Karen to be so... well, disgusting. They made light of a horrible event and joked their way through the whole confrontation. I would never claim to be able to relate to such an awful experience, but having two people in my life who lived years of sexual abuse during their childhood has given my insight into the mind of a victim.

Celesta and Karen were so odd and off-putting that I found Allen to be more normal than the two girls - and that is pathetic because he is a monster. All I can say is that I hope those two women found some sort of peace after the experience. I think this film is an insult to victims of sexual abuse. I have never felt so much repulsion and discomfort from a film before, and I would never recommend the film or re-watch it in a million years. I should not have been more revolted by Celesta than her predator. I am so shocked and appalled that this film has a rating above 5.0 on IMDb.
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