Star Trek: Journey to Babel (1967)
Season 2, Episode 10
Journey to Babel
3 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"Well, whatta ya know, I finally got the last word."

"Journey to Babel" was the historic (well to Trekkers I guess) introduction of Sarek, the father of Spock and Vulcan's chief Ambassador who is on board the Enterprise, as are other planetary delegates, bound for a trip for a Starfleet Interplanetary Conference for a planet's admission into the Federation; some delegates are against it while certain members are for it (it all has to do with the mining of precious minerals). Sarek is a key voice during the process as his opinion holds much weight. An Andurian (blue skin, antennae, and prone to use violence) attempts to kill Capt Kirk, but what motivates this assault? Meanwhile, Sarek has a heart problem in need of a surgical procedure requiring a serious blood transfusion. Spock is the only viable candidate, but this procedure could kill him. A ship begins to attack the Enterprise, Kirk is temporarily incapacitated after the fight with the faux Andurian, and Spock assumes command, not convinced by Bones to participate in the surgery due to his duties as a Starfleet officer (rules and regulations take precedent to the life of his father, that damned Vulcan logic). Anyway, Kirk must figure out a way to get Spock onto the operating table while suffering a prolonged injury (he was stabbed in the back; nearly his heart was pierced). But, despite all of this turmoil, Kirk still maintains his poise and commanding proficiency by outsmarting the ship seemingly on a suicide mission to destroy the Enterprise, constantly evading phaser fire due to its engine's capability of Warp 10, ramming the ship in intervals. This is a fan favorite for obvious reasons, but I think the inclusion of Sarek's wife/Spock's mama, Amanda (Jane Wyatt) adds something special because as Vulcans are so dependent upon the absence of emotion and inclusion of logic in everything, she is that human side that muddies the waters. Spock even asks Sarek why he married Amanda and he felt it was "logical thing to do at the time." After watching "Sarek", an exceptional third season episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, I thought it was only logical (pun intended) to watch the Classic Star Trek episode, Journey to Babel. I'm glad I did; they are an appropriate double feature if there ever was one. I love the scene where Amanda appeals to her son's "human side" to put aside his Starfleet loyalties and Vulcan logic to save his father, such pleading falling on deaf pointed ears. There has always been the struggle for Spock, the human and Vulcan sides providing much conflict in his life, but this has made for some great television, some great drama. It was a nice moment for Bones as he tells Kirk and Spock to shut up and gets the last word! What a terrific episode. Mark Lenard holds a quiet dignity and commands respect even if he coldly interacts with his son who chose Starfleet over the Vulcan Science Academy, Spock defying the wishes of his father.
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