Review of Marianne

Marianne (2011)
The scariest part was the acting
3 June 2012
After seeing an online review which compared this film to Mulholland Drive (my favourite film) and the work of Stanley Kubrick, I was naturally interested. Upon seeing it, I think Lynch and the Kubrick estate should sue whoever wrote that.

Without a doubt, the worst thing about Marianne was the acting. In places it was just bad, in others it was so bad we actually started laughing, which I'm pretty sure wasn't intentional. Even Peter Stormare, an otherwise extremely confident actor, didn't seem to be trying his hardest. It may not have been solely the fault of the actors however, as the dialogue was extremely stilted and unnatural.

Since the release of the brilliant F**king Åmål (Show me Love), it has become almost obligatory for Swedish teenagers in film to be moody, rude and rather volatile - and Marianne proves to be no exception - although in this film, the teenage daughter's character is so over-done that it borders on the comical. (Though I do wonder if all teenagers in this country are really like that, ha-ha!)

The general idea for the film, with its basis in Swedish folklore was very interesting, and a subject which has not been covered so widely in film! Unfortunately, the whole project was so badly executed that it would be more entertaining to read a Wikipedia article about the topics covered.
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