True Blood: And When I Die (2011)
Season 4, Episode 12
Vampire bits were fine, but...
1 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed the vampire elements of this season, but not much else. Eric is as brilliant as ever and I still like Sookie, and Bill, Pam and Jessica are fine.

Overall, though, there were too many subplots that went nowhere and contributed nothing to the main story line, and indeed detracted from it.

The werewolves are incredibly irritating and pointless (perhaps especially so for me because I find the actor who plays Alcid annoying), as are the were-panthers, the psycho baby, Tara (hopefully we have got shot of her?), the policeman and his drug problem, Lafayette and his partner, and so on. The final episode was particularly annoying. Why on Earth does Sookie have a change of heart about Bill, when he has shown himself to be useless for her? Her relationship with Eric is far more interesting – and really I feel they ultimately belong together. I haven't read the books, but gather that in the books Eric forgets the relationship they had when he goes back to being 'bad', then starts remembering after a while. That sounds to me like a much more interesting story development than what has been imposed here.

Particularly when there are so few episodes in a season, the focus should be on a main, coherent plot-line. The story should not veer of constantly into various subplots. The past three seasons achieved this, although season 3 was already showing signs of fragmentation.

I do hope season 5 will improve and get back to the superb quality of the first two seasons. I'll give this one a higher vote that it merits, for Eric, Sookie and overall atmosphere, but not much else.
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