Going Spanish (1934)
It's On Youtube and It's Not THAT Bad
29 May 2012
FYI, I was reading Hope's wiki bio and saw this curiosity and it's on Youtube to watch. It's not that bad, the reviewer commenting on Hope's joke about Dillinger watching it should bear in mind that Bob was making a joke and talked that way about a lot of his material, I mean 50% of his material is putting himself down. I have seen worse stuff from Hope, some of those full length big budget films of his from the 60's were BAD! The Private Navy of Sgt. O'Farrell? Yeah, there you go. And at a scant 19 minutes it's tolerable especially if you are an old film fan like me. I think the 5.7 rating applies well to this Hope short, worth watching for all Hope fans.
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