The Carrier (1988)
Bring Me Cats!
27 May 2012
The Carrier has an interesting premise but suffers from bad dialogue and imagery that at times borders on the narmish. After a young man is attacked by a strange beast in the woods, he is contaminated with a bizarre illness. Anyone who touches something he has touched dissolves into smoke.

For a low budget film, this has some very interesting ideas. It paints a compelling portrait of a town tearing itself apart and gives interesting consideration to religion as a divisive force. However, these ideas need further development and are overwhelmed by the film's flaws.

The dialogue is terrible to the point of unintentional comedy. This starts from the beginning of the film, but enters the genuinely absurd when the outbreak begins. At one point, a supporting character yells "Bring me cats!" in order to test for the disease. Furthermore, as people dress up in plastic bags to protect themselves, the overall effect is comic.

This film is worth a rent or YouTube watch, but wastes a lot of potential.
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