Excellent Movie Way Underrated.
27 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
If you've read the "My big TOE (Theory of Everything)" books then this movie comes pretty close to a fictional adaptation. Not long ago Jim Elvidge wrote a book "The Universe Solved." Whereby he postulates that in accordance with Moore's law, the current state of technology (2012) is only ten years away from being able to create the "Matrix." So, we now know that the possibility of creating a Matrix is no longer fiction. Therefore, if we have the technology to create such a realistic virtual world who's to say that it wasn't created already and that we're not living in it. I'm sure we've all felt that way once in a while (after all, it's those feelings that cause creative people to write movies like "The Thirteenth Floor" and "The Matrix").

Quite honestly, I liked this movie far more than the Matrix because is was more grounded in reality. I also liked the way they powered down the screen at the end. Hinting, what everyone is thinking, is the final world also a simulation?

If you haven't seen this movie, then see it! You won't be disappointed.
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