Silent Hill: Homecoming (2008 Video Game)
The goriest Silent Hill game ever
22 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoy virtually all Silent Hill games. Thankfully, most of them were also out on PC, which had become my sole gaming platform for years. Starting from Silent Hill 2, 3, 4, and the latest one is Silent Hill Homecoming - the last title out for PC (no word on PC version of Downpour as of yet, quite a letdown indeed).

Homecoming offered an interesting plot: a soldier returns home from battlefield finds his family is a mess: his brother and father are missing and his mother, while not missing, is no less tragic. So it's up to the soldier to find out the truth behind the disaster, and the rest is as we've all expected - trapped in the demonic dimension of a Silent Hill neighbor called Shepherd's Glen, and followed by the traditional story (for Silent Hill series anyway) of human sacrifice and things - No, I wouldn't reveal the plot further, you just have to experience it yourself.

The atmosphere - as we have all expected - is spooky enough. It is nicely designed to tickle your inner fear. The graphics, while not as good as, say, Heavy Rain, are great, not surprising though giving it is a PS3/X360-class game. Our favorite SH arch-nemesis, Pyramid Head, is back on the trail of terror, only this time he is called The Boogeyman. Boogeyman or Pyramid Head, I honestly agree (and most of you I think will too) that he is one of the scariest enemies in horror games.

One most distinctive feature is that Homecoming employs more gory scenes than before. I remember one scene where the character's father is chopped in half by - none else than our beloved Pyramid Head/Boogeyman, after made a tragic confession to his son. Quite a chilling thought to behold, especially if you imagine, what IF it is REALLY your father?? Gloomy, eerie, and disgusting at the same time. Gore-splatter element would give significant value to the 'horrorness' of a horror, though fears could still be elicited without one, and even many gory scenes are present in non-horror shows. So how about gory horror? One thing for sure: it is certainly not for the faint-hearted. At times it will be more disgusting than it is frightening.
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