Review of Common Law

Common Law (2012)
The Odd Couple, Lite
13 May 2012
Let's start with the positive; it has potential.

Normally I take my shows in the watch it from start to finish with no breaks (very engrossing). Start and stop, then start again (not great, but not too bad, so I do come back to it). Then there's the start, stop, and probably won't bother watching anymore episodes (and possibly don't even finish the first episode!).

This falls in the middle. I did stop watching at the 13min mark, (slightly wooden dialogue and peripheral characters), but once past that it does pick up again, on an above average pace.

With reference to the 'odd couple' (and the shows' précis) it manages to tread a fine line (will have to watch more episodes to be certain), between maintaining the banter between the two leads, but without dwelling on it too much to make the show work, and thereby irritating you and turning it into a one-track horse run (you know those shows; they find one particular angle that they can lever and keep re-using it, show after show after show, and nauseatingly ad-nauseum!).

So, given the fact that it's an USA network show, we'll possibly be seeing quite a bit more of the new millennium's odd couple!
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