I remember seeing this episode
14 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this episode of Telephone Time when I was six years old. It was inspiring enough to make me eager to see the site of Troy for myself.

Particularly memorable were two scenes: There is a reenactment of Schliemann,as a young boy, writing his three most important goals in a notebook, using a flowing quill-pen script: 1. to make a million dollars 2. to marry a woman who looked like Helen of Troy 3. to find the lost city of Troy

In the course of the program, Schliemann is ridiculed for his belief that Troy actually existed and receives much more scorn than support. He nevertheless accomplishes all three of his goals. When he discovers a golden funeral mask, the narrator quotes him saying: "I have looked upon the face of Agamemnon" in a rich baritone (which echoed in my ears years later, when I finally visited Hisarlik.)
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