Pure Genius
13 May 2012
I have yet to come even close to fully appreciating the sheer artistry and complexity of Erik Peter Carlson's stunning and flat-out, in-your-face drama, "Transatlantic Coffee".

"Transatlantic Coffee" is a perfectly concrete example of how the relative absence of special effects, explosions, etc. can still help create an engaging, and thoroughly unique viewing experience. Overflowing with subtle intensity and seamless camera-work, this is a frightening roller-coaster ride of a film. "Transatlantic Coffee" is by no means short on resonance - but rather leaves a heavy feeling of exuberance and fascination with the material that lasts long after it's finished. At the same time, though, people who aren't as open-minded to more obscure, abstract films like this would be, I think, surprised. This is not as complicated or bewildering a film as I had expected. If one can be able to focus intently on the story, the result is rewarding, and doesn't provide for much head-scratching. Its style seems rather modern, rather hip.

To shy away from this film simply because of its disturbing content is to be completely shallow and ignorant. The way it handles the material is a whole lot more interesting than you'd probably think.
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