Review of Theresa

Miami Vice: Theresa (1987)
Season 3, Episode 16
An emotional episode for Crockett
11 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
In the previous episode we were briefly introduced to Crockett's latest girlfriend, Dr. Theresa Lyons, here we learn that things are serious between them and he is just waiting for the right time to propose. There is a problem though; he doesn't know that she is taking illegal drugs to help her deal with her chronic back pain. After the arrest of Joey Wyatt, a major drug dealer, Theresa is leant on to steal an address from one of Crockett's files. The address is that of the warehouse where evidence against Wyatt was stored; it is soon attacked, the evidence is destroyed and three cops are killed. When a paper from one of Crockett's files is found at the scene he immediately knows that Theresa must have been involved so he confronts her and learns the truth. He still loves her though and wants to help her; the problem is that could jeopardise his career.

Once more we get another quality episode with fine performances from guest stars Helena Bonham Carter and Brad Dourif as Theresa and Wyatt respectively. There were some decent action scenes although this was primarily an emotional episode; the case is obviously important but not as important as how Crockett will deal with learning the woman he wants to marry is a drug addict. Crockett clearly loved Theresa even after he learnt what she had done; Don Johnson once again put in a great performance in the role. The ending avoided the cliché of having Theresa killed which was pleasing... from early on I was certain it would end that way, it is nice to be wrong some times!
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