Review of WALL·E

WALL·E (2008)
WALL-E is an environmental criminal
10 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The first half of WALL-E is wonderful in all respects. It has visually beautiful animation. WALL-E, and his pet cockroach are engaging characters. Then we arrive at the Axiom. It's all downhill from here. WALL-E ends up helping the human inhabitants of the Axiom return to re-colonize the Earth, although the 'evil' ship's computer tries to stop the return. These super obese human slugs are the mindless descendants of those who wrecked Earth's environment and then abandoned it. They now live in 'blissful' ignorance, entirely dependent on the ship that has been their home for centuries now. These are the last beings that have any business being allowed to settle on a still fragile and barely recovering Earth. WALL-E, however, makes it possible and effectively facilitates the final destruction of Earth's environment. The human slugs of the Axiom should have remained to live out their pointless existences, as wards of the ship's computer, until their own final extinction.
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