Miami Vice: Duty and Honor (1987)
Season 3, Episode 15
A killer who has left a trail of bodies from Saigon to Miami
9 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This episode opens with a flashback to Lt Castillo's time in Vietnam where he is investigating the murder of a Saigon prostitute... when we return to the present another girl has been murdered; this time in Miami... the two crimes may have taken place on opposite sites of the world but the MO was identical and Lt. Castillo is convinced that the same man killed both women. He is also convinced that the killer will strike again. It isn't long before an old friend turns up; Inspector Nguyn Van Trahn; the police officer who had worked alongside Castillo in Saigon and has been tracking the killer ever since. The initial assumption is that the killer is somebody who just likes killing prostitutes but as the team start looking into identical cases around the world they spot a pattern; they all happen in the run up to the assassination of a prominent individual. The evidence starts to point to somebody who was known as 'The Savage' who had killed numerous high profile communists during Operation Phoenix and had a particular reason to dislike prostitutes.

This season continues to impress with another fine episode. Any episode were Lt. Castillo takes centre stage seems to be good; Edward James Olmos is great in the role. The rest of the regulars performed well as expected. This episode is notable for two of the guest stars; Helena Bonham Carter appears briefly as a new woman in Crockett's life and the late Haing S. Ngor, best known for 'The Killing Fields' stars as Inspector Trahn. Not as well known but Michael Wright who appears as 'The Savage' also does well bringing an icy coolness to the role rather than playing him as a crazed psycho. The story has a couple of great twists including one real surprise where we learn that Castillo's friend isn't who he claimed to be... thankfully he doesn't turn out to be a bad guy though as that would have been somewhat cliché.
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