Review of Gabriela

Gabriela (1950)
Good comeback for Leander
7 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Well after the war, when Zarah decided she was not going to be a Nazi and took off back to Sweden,every body was mad with her.She tried to explain that she used the Nazis only for the money.But because of 6 million murders cause by the Reich they scapegoat her .What could she do? Well her best friend and song writer Michael Jary decided that he was going to make every one forget that she served Hitler with new concert tours and a new movie.Her comeback was financed by her own money.I got one info that it was a bomb and another it was a hit.If it was a bomb then why did Leander continued to make film in Germany in the fifties and sixties? I found it great.Zarah as Gabriela, who had her daughter ,Andrea portrayed by Vera Molnar, being raised in a ski lodged ,owned by Kathe Haak as Matthes, after Gaby divorced her Industrialist Husband Thomas Lorenzen,played by slightly over weighted Siegfried Breurer.Zarah plays a successful singing star, who rune her own night club,with the help of her boy friend Charlie, played by Carl Raddatz, who for the first time in film sings and dances. Like in Die Grosse Liebe,Gretha Wieser plays Zarahs side kick in this film too.The plot is that Gabby retires so she can be with her daughter, who's already grown up and has a boyfriend,Peter, played by Gunnar Moller.Vera doesn't want to leave the ski lodge and live with mother but feels compelled ,may be she's under age .Radaatz character has a drinking problem and Gabby pays for his drinks.It doesn't interfere in His orchestrating for the night club.You have numbers in it beside Zaras beginning .Tap dancing numbers, where a chorus boys and girls tap dance to a jazzy tune.Arno Assmann as Freddy Lambert,portrays her night club manager, finds out her past in attempting to get her back cause none of the chorus girls can sing as good as she, dubbed by Grethe Weisners voice? Vera getting bored decides to get a job as secretary at he Uncles Hansens car Garage, played by German stalwart actor again Albert Florath.Siegfried and Zarah confronting each other about Vera and Vera being confronted by Siegfried, Leads to Vera getting P- off and moving in with Uncle.Zarah decides to go back to the club and as she is having a Christmas party with the employees singing ."I'm dreaming of a white Christmas ," in German, Nope! I'm teasing,Vera comes back.She realizes that she' was being immature herself.A year later ?Zarah would attempt to do a concert tour in the u.s.a ,but, she would be turned downs and be accused of being a communist.But she would make her successful concert tour in the United states in 1968.This is a great digital print available in The united states by 05/07/12
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