Turok: Dinosaur Hunter (1997 Video Game)
This dinosaur game was fun, but challenging...a bit to challenging.
7 May 2012
I rented this game a lot when it came out because for one it was pretty fun, but also because the Nintendo 64 just did not have a huge array of games at this point for its system. Cartridges seem to take longer to make compared to CD's. This one has you playing as the title character Turok and you are a guy who hunts dinosaurs...in this one first person style. I can explore this vast land and can kill my fair share of dinosaurs, though I also have to say I never came close to winning this one. The first time I rented it I could not save, because you needed a save card for it. I do not understand why, seeing as how it is a cartridge and by this time you could save on cartridges no problem. Just look at all those Super NES games! The next few times I could walk around in some areas, but others I would be killed very quickly. I gave up on ever winning this one when I got slaughtered not by a dinosaur, but some dude in his pickup truck. I would later try one other Turok game, but it too was a bit to challenging. Not quite as bad as this one as I at least knew what to do in that one, here you are kind of wandering around trying to figure what to do. How was I supposed to know you could find pieces of things you need in very obscure places? Why is a dude in a truck so much tougher than the dinosaurs? Why did they have to make a game that should of been a great time and make it so difficult by hiding things you need so well and making the game so hard to figure out? I am guessing this game had a strategy guide that would be very beneficial to a person playing this. As it is, it is fun to pass a few hours, but unless you are a top notch game player do not expect to get to far without some type of aid.
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