Futurama: Parasites Lost (2001)
Season 3, Episode 4
Fry gets parasitic worms... the good kind!
7 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This episode opens with the Planet Express ship making a stop at a truck stop; while Leela refuels the ship Fry goes to the toilet to relieve himself and while there be buys an egg sandwich from the dispenser. Leela warns him against eating it but Fry being Fry he does anyway... it isn't pleasant. Soon after getting back he and Bender have to repair the boiler and an explosion blasts a pipe through Fry; something strange happens when it is removed... his body quickly repairs itself... or to be more precise worms from the sandwich he ate repair him. In an attempt to remove the worms the Professor, Bender, Amy, Zoidberg and Hermes use tiny robotic versions of themselves to fly a tiny version of the ship deep into Fry's gut with the intention of dislodging the worms. Meanwhile Leela takes Fry out to distract him; while out Fry manages to confess his feeling to her; something he couldn't do before but not he has worms he has become more eloquent. Leela understandably prefers the new improved Fry so sets of to sabotage the Professor's mission; this is a success but she didn't count on Fry trying to get rid of the worms himself when he learns of them!

This might not be the most laugh out loud funny episode of Futurama but it is my personal favourite; it just has that certain something. There are some really funny moments such as Scruffy the janitor reading his copy of 'Zero G Jugs', the Professor constantly referring to the pelvic splanchnic ganglion and Leela attacking the other crew members. The best scenes weren't the comic ones though they were the romantic ones between Fry and Leela; the holophoner sequence was both imaginative and beautiful... even the final scene where Fry plays it after loosing the parasites is quite touching; it was just a shame Leela wasn't there to see it! If comedy and romance aren't enough for you there are also some good dramatic action scenes including a swashbuckling scene where Fry fights the chief worm in his own brain!
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