Review of Octaman

Octaman (1971)
Incredibly banal, get the highlights on Youtube
6 May 2012
Although Octaman DOES have a few hilarious moments at the very beginning and very end, the hour in between drags on so long that I'm almost certain that all of those who reviewed it highly must have fast-forwarded. Not one bit makes any damn sense, but everyone is too serious to give it the parody treatment it desperately needs. Despite being directed by the same director as The Blue Lagoon, there are no homage to anything, it's just a flat-out insulting schlock put forward to make a few bucks with no effort or upfront cost; it feels like a cheap attempt to rip off a prior success and certainly was advertised that way. To be successful, a Z-movie has to be full of sneaky references to all kinds of things and never play too serious - see any Troma movie for a period example - neither of which exist here.

The laughable accents and the cheap rubber are definitely hilarious... for ten minutes; the casting of the Italian FOB for the Mexican was just cruel all around. One of us fell asleep a half hour in. The actors are wooden, the dialog is painful and uses a first-grader's environmentalist agenda as drapery for its paper-thin plot. There is one and only one glimmer of brilliance, after everyone climbs out of the cave, but it's quickly drowned in a generic ending.

If I had to sum up the movie, that would be how: Generic. Paint by the numbers. Retread.

Submission into the worst movies ever made would be a shoo-in, which is probably the main reason it still gets occasional play. The jaded, hipsterish horror nerds live to claim to love this kind of retro garbage, so it's no surprise it has a bunch of over-5 reviews, despite having nothing that any other movie lacks.

It's no wonder the actress gave herself a cocaine OD after making this.
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