A reasonably good movie, well acted
29 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The Astronaut's Wife isn't perfect, but many of the comments posted about it are a bit over the top. The film does have a number of strengths, including subtle and interesting performances by Depp and Theron, particularly in the first half.

Some people have complained about the sex scene, but it's actually one of the most well conceived and edited scenes in the movie, both disturbing and erotic, and effective in conveying the twist in Spencer's relationship with Jillian, the moment when things start to go really wrong. It's actually one of the strongest scenes in the film, and I'm curious why it's stirred up such animosity. I think it may be because some viewers feel strongly that sex doesn't belong in "this kind" of movie. But just because a film has the word "astronaut" in the title doesn't mean it's for kiddies. Objections to the violence in the movie are a little odd too; there is some, but it's mild compared to most Hollywood films.

The second half of the movie does get a little tedious and predictable (but still has some very strong performances in spots, like Theron's when her character is considering aborting the presumably alien fetuses). Jillian's reactions to her sister's death come across as a little odd... she dreams about her sister's murder, sees her body, then still seems surprised a while later to see blood on her husband's hands. The ending does feel contrived and weak, both the alien entering Theron's body, and the (silly) tacked-on ending with the evil kids going off on the bus. (It feels a bit like a committee got hold of it and reconfigured the ending, making the whole thing feel a bit contrived and silly.)

So there are some problems, and the ending does cheapen and weaken the movie. Still in all I'd give it seven stars out of ten, for the strengths of the lead actors' performances.
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