Above All Loyalty
29 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
In the process of Linc's healing from the scars of war he seeks out his platoon's lieutenant. Unbeknownst to Linc "The Lieutenant" has suffered brain damage and is left with the mental faculties of eight-year old. Though unreachable except on the terms of child Linc learns how to show his loyalty to the lieutenant who means so much to him. It isn't an easy compromise as Linc seeks to be his savior.

This is somewhat of a melodramatic episode. It is a bit light on entertainment value but rich in emotion. As Linc struggles to supplant himself back into civilian life he stumbles thinking he may find a bridge in doing so with his commanding officer. At first, not accepting that fate has dealt a harder blow to one he looked up to for strength and direction, Linc falters. As he seeks to be the lieutenant's friend he actually harms the fragile state in which the lieutenant is now trapped in. Linc sees the error he has made and retreats to a state where he can accept what he can't fix. It's a hard lesson, but ultimately one where Linc begins to understand that the past is behind him. He moves on for both his own good as well as his friends.

This particular episode is fairly dark. It is clear from what we have gathered so far regarding Linc that he has plenty of baggage which weights him down. The story here is definitely woven with that weight. While not a particularly entertaining story, the episode seems to be a point in Linc's journey of healing. Dick York, best known from his stint as Darren in Bewitched stars as "The Lieutenant". He brings a fragile vulnerability that is key to the story and is excellent in his role. Not a must see episode, but a revealing part of the character that is Tod's new sidekick.
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