Omen IV: The Awakening (1991 TV Movie)
Implausible and a little too sanitary, but enjoyable
27 April 2012
I'm used to being in an IMDb reviewer minority, but found this to be quite a good thriller. It was adequately acted. Indeed, Asia Vieira as the evil little girl, Lee Grant as the mother and Michael Learner as the private detective were excellent. Things moved along nicely, with only a few slow spots. For a low-budget movie, the special effects were fine.I would have enjoyed more gore, but I'm a nasty old thing. Granted that, as a sequel, Omen IV is inconsistent with Omen III: once Christ returns there will be no Son of Antichrist. And the attempt to combine the Bible with New Age spirituality was even less plausible than 2012 Doomsday's attempt to combine it with the Mayan calendar cycle. Still, offhand I can't think of a good horror movie that lacks doctrinal flaws. As always, the final question is, Would I watch Omen IV again? Certainly, though I've got enough of a backlog of interesting-looking unwatched DVDs that doing so won't be for a while. And also enough of a backlog of other DVDs that seem interesting in the sense of the old Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times." Perhaps reviews of these later
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