A different venue
24 April 2012
In this episode Perry Mason takes on a client in a different venue than the Los Angeles County Court. The clients are Wolfe Barzell and Jeanette Nolan who are after their granddaughter whom they've never met and who is behind the Iron Curtain. She's being used by the East German government to leverage a defection east by scientist Barzell.

The People's Court in East Germany does not have the protections of one in where the Anglo-Saxon system of jurisprudence is used. And he's up against a ruthless public prosecutor in Gregory Morton. Still when Nolan of all people is accused of murdering one of those Ugarte like scoundrels played by Ronald Long, Mason if not actually in the court itself where he has a much limited role in that rigged system does prove who actually did the deed.

Perry Mason still triumphs in a rigged system. And beats the Communists at a propaganda game. Who could ask for more?
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