Review of Sunny

Sunny (2011)
thinking of my friends and days of the past
22 April 2012
I knew that this kind of movie, with people reminiscing about the old days and the deep meaning of friendship, if well carried out, be a big hit. So it was with Sunny. My friends saw it first and told me how much it got them to thinking of our own school days and how much they missed being together.

This movie made me tear up all the way through and really reminded me of my own special friends who I can't see very often now, being far away from home, and also my school days. We used to run around and dance like the characters of Sunny, and laugh louder than we can now. In those days, I think the value of friendship was so different, since we spent so much time together, my relationship with friends were mostly all that mattered. Now, as we grow older, we might believe that friendship is getting deeper, as much as the years gone by, but with our own separate careers and busy lives, we have to but understand how we are growing distant from each other and we must learn to be adults and just accept that.

Most importantly, I think this movie teaches us the way to be a friend. What it means to be a true friend, something that is too easily forgotten nowadays.

It is true that it's hard to keep up with each other during stressful and busy times, especially when we are all at different levels and stages in life, facing different problems; could be financial, business, family etc issues, things that we could not imagine during our school days, but, as with one of the sayings in the movie, we should keep an eye on our friends at all times. If they need help, we should give it to them till they become alright. Because if we don't, who can? That is the privilege of being a friend.

This movie is definitely a must-see. I want my mum to see it too but I'm afraid she will feel sad, more so than me, and I can also imagine that when my other friends see this, they will probably be reminded of the same things that I was reminded of. It was just such a beautifully made film.
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