Hilarious movie filled with vulgar and crude jokes
21 April 2012
Let's get some things straight, this movie ain't for those sensitive types of people. Hell no, "Little Johnny the Movie" aims to outrageously make people cringe at the sounds of those aimless jokes.

Vulgarity aside, this movie is pretty funny. Jokes about sex, love, family, and whole lot of other stuff make it worthwhile to watch. It's like an Australian version of South Park but doesn't seem too preachy. The movie doesn't take itself too seriously which makes it more fun. It has silly moments and even sillier characters.

Now the plot itself is simple enough. Johnny wants to win the Soapbox Derby to buy himself a bike to win over his love. But problems arose when his Uncle has no more money for the farm and Johnny's intentions on winning suddenly shift to saving his uncle's life.

The accents may ward off some viewers though. You can clearly hear the thick Australian accents from the voice actors which may confuse some. But aside from that, this movie is a recommended viewing over and over again.
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